Sustainable solutions for the mining sector

MINE.THE.GAP ran from 2020-2023. It brought together SMEs from the raw materials and mining sector with companies that had solutions for a more digital, greener, and circular mining value chain. Through open calls and support services, MINE.THE.GAP made business ideas a reality.

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Project end: Video on MINE.THE.GAP results

The project MINE.THE.GAP has ended successfully in November 2023! It made its contributions to a more digital and greener raw materials & mining sectors: 👉 We provided EUR 3 million of direct financial support to fund projects where 63 SMEs...

Come to our final event: Brussels, 14 November

We are thrilled to invite you to the MINE.THE.GAP final event! “MINE.THE.GAP final event and future opportunities on raw materials: Boosting SMEs & technology towards sustainable mining” will take place as a satellite event to the EU Raw Materials Week...

Latest News

Project end: Video on MINE.THE.GAP results

The project MINE.THE.GAP has ended successfully in November 2023! It made its contributions to a more digital and greener raw materials & mining sectors: 👉 We provided EUR 3 million of direct financial support to fund projects where 63 SMEs...

For a greener tomorrow Top challenges and needs

Raw materials are important in today’s society – but an overall negative image of the sector is still prevailing. One reason can be the use of non-modern, less environmentally friendly and even outdated methods and technologies. MINE.THE.GAP helped tackling the challenges!

Open Calls MINE.THE.GAP offered SMEs two open calls for innovation vouchers on preparation, validation of ideas and proof of concept/demonstration activities.

Design and implementation of a prototype/proof-of-concept to demonstrate the viability of the proposed solution.
TRL: 6-7
Project lifetime:​ 8-9 months
Funding conditions: ​Maximum per SME: 25k€​

Developing and testing in a production environment of a functional demo/pilot with all the major features of the product/service/solution.
TRL: 7-8
Project lifetime:​ 9-12 months
Funding conditions: ​Maximum per SME: 50k€​

BUSINESS Support Services MINE.THE.GAP provided a number of business support related services to the selected projects to enhance their innovation capacities, promote technology transfer and commercialisation, and boost their internationalisation.

Behind the project Our partners MINE.THE.GAP is managed by a strong consortium of European partners that help SMEs to innovate and grow.